Financial Value of A3 Deployed in Network and OSS

The diagram below provides a view of the potential financial value of using analytics, AI and Automation (A3) within the network and OSS . The colours of boxes show value in $m for each year of the first five years that an A3 project is implemented.  Green denotes more than $50m, orange between $10m and $50m and white is below $10m.

Most value shown in functional areas which:

  • Reduce opex spend on the network (eg. power, base station rental, upgrades etc)
  • Reduce capex spend by optimising deployment of the network or enabling reuse of equipment
  • Reduce headcount in large teams (eg. field services, NOC)

Less value shown in functional areas which:

  • Have smaller teams doing activities which are hard to automate (eg. automation of the planning team or service design)
  • Underpin automation efforts elsewhere – for example, the orchestration activities of the SDN and NFV MANO.