The Financial Benefit of A3 in the Contact Centre

Research written by Ken Weilerstein.

The large number of staff undertaking repetitive tasks provides a good backdrop for applying A3 in a telco.  The diagram summarizes the output of a financial model calculating the value of adding new types of A3 to a telco’s processes in the contact centre.   An “average” telco was assumed and the value shown is a yearly financial benefit averaged over the first five years after installation – given that some capabilities offer a one off benefit whilst others continue to offer benefit for longer periods.

Expected financial value is spread across the contact centre – with market maturity reducing values in activities such as next best offer which have historically provided good financial returns.

Case study material from some areas with interesting use of technologies such as AI – for example, “agent quality monitoring” do not necessarily easily demonstrate very large financial uplift – offering benefits such as reduced truck rolls and agent training days but little concrete evidence of improved customer experience scores or significant reductions in AHT.