Which A3 Should Telcos Deliver to their Enterprise Customers?
The diagram below considers the number of telco opportunities to include A3 capabilities in their enterprise products (x-axis) and scores the opportunity for “feasibility” (y-axis):

- The addition of analytics and machine learning to track behaviors of both people and things provide input into forecasting, optimization and other planning exercises. They also find patterns or triggers in order to suggest action to be taken. They are by far the most numerous
and attractive opportunities for telcos – and split here into two types “pattern and anomaly detection” and “personalization”
- Two AI technologies – image and speech recognition offer a good number of reasonably feasible opportunities. Particularly for large telcos with product sets benefit from adding them and good traction in the correct verticals
- “Augmented workers” are a more speculative addition to the graphic. They work alongside humans in a work environment, providing decision support where large data sets and complex problems are found. They are included as they could be added to telco analytics solutions in future to provide additional functionality to customers
- Text, sentiment and emotion detection are mostly unattractive opportunities for telcos – tending to be used in use cases that are more difficult for them to successfully create products
- Immersive technologies and AI design are considered of lower feasibility currently due to the immaturity of the technologies and markets